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Insider Poker Information

A B = C: A Poker Gambler’s Worth is Judged by His Bottom Line

January 20th, 2011 at 9:21
[ English ]

A number of poker tactics will surprise you with their ease. This is 1 of them. Take down your results, every single time you bet.

Cult of Texas Holdem Verse #4:

Thou must write down your wins and your loses; for it’s the grand total of all a persons achievements which generate their bottom line.

How accurate is your decision. I usually consider that hourly details and that kind of personal information is wasted. Basically work out how much in front you are and what amount (if anything) you have taken out. Of course, if you are beaten, record that too, despite how much it it might pain you.

Do not overlook to write down what style of game you’re wagering on, if that is crucial to you. (In my expertise, most players keep to what they know and don’t experiment. If all you note is winnings, loses and withdrawals, you are way ahead of a majority of players out there!)

Provide yourself achievable ambitions, such as a ‘dream’ goal (new car, vacation or whatever). When you take out, mark the $$$$$ withdrawn to your dream tally. The more successful you are, the nearer that goal will get!

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